Wednesday, June 24, 2015

It's A Matter Of Trust

...let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him... Hebrews 10:22

How do you determine whose "trustworthy" and whose not?  Do you hold back who you are in order to guard yourself or do you let it all out?  I grew up with a dad that taught me to always hold back who you are because people will hurt you and use that against you.

When I was younger I refused to let many get to close to me, to know what I loved and cared about, or act like I cared about them.  I had the philosophy of take it or lose when it came to my friends....that way no one was too close.  Those who broke through that mask have remained my friends long after childhood and college.   They know who Sherry is, what is important to her, what she loves and cares about.....and, there are no judgements....thank God!  I love each of them because they know the fun Sherry the one that takes chances, snorts when she laughs hard, is relentless when her heart is in it, and loves unconditionally.  And they know the Sherry that is a real bitch, closed off, cruel, and mean because she's gonna get you before you get her.  And, thank God for this handful of peeps that have stayed with me I'm not easy. 

In adulthood I've had some hard lessons in learning what a friend is and what the aren't.  Each time when someone I called a friend hurts me I hear my earthly dad and my heart breaks.  In the past year I've came to grips with who God designed Sherry to be and not to take anything less or let anyone tell me otherwise. After leaving a friend's house this past week I found myself  hurt, heartbroken, and saying "no not again". My earthly father's words rang in my ears "Don't let people get too close.  Don't let them know you or what you love they will take it as a weakness.  They will take what you love and hurt you with it".  I was heartbroken and just broke down and cried because I work each day to make those not truths in my life or for my kids. I rest my head each night knowing those aren't the truths that God wants for me. But, this past weekend I heard my earthly dad's voice repeating in my head so much I literally made myself sick over it.  That hasn't happened in years. 

I'm blessed to have Tedster in my life.  He's known me for far too many years and been my hubby for 23 of them.  He knows how I put on this caviler attitude of take it or lose it. He's seen me banish places, things, and people along the way.  He knows just how mean I can be with my words....they are my swords and best defense when I get angry.  He also knows that his wife is caring, compassionate, and literally would give everything she has if it meant another's happiness.   He sees what God designed in me and his heartbroke for me too.  The blessing was that he took over and prayed with me, asked God to take the wheel and stop my questions. He prayed for God not to let me close out the world over my heartbreak but continue on the path of truths that I know about myself.  And, Tedster, told me "Why are you placing value or worth in what someone says or does?  Your worth comes from God alone and what He wants for you, Sherry, not some human who doesn't see you for who you are and what your capable of".  Ohh, that has spurred a weekend discussion that has lapsed into this week. Monday night it lasted well after midnight.  Ted challenged me by laying down what he learned as a military brat : duty, service, community.  He told me that he sees God challenging me beyond the walls of the church where I'm comfy.  He is challenging me to open up to serve Him within our community beyond what I do.  That God is asking me to do what is scary, what I'm not used to, and to serve him. 

What if we shut out all the noise from the world and just heard what God said?  It might be scary, right?  It might be that we are finally understood more than our friends or family could ever understand us? There's the scary part for me.  How about you?  What if God took away how I serve him to get me to the next step of serving him?  What if he is challenging me to open up the essential parts of who I am ...all those things that are near and dear to me?
 After spending some time with JC (that would be Jesus Christ) this past week I'm humbled. In life I've been squashed, stepped on, and brokenhearted over who I am. He's told me that it was all right to dream, trust, and love.  Since I was five I wanted to teach. When I taught my first class I felt it was who God designed me to be. God gave me a caring spirit that longs to serve him, mentor others, and live with joy.  I've been blessed to serve with pastors, friends, and co-workers that could see the blessing God put in me to teach....thank God for all of you.  For those that see the blessing I can be to God when I write....thank God for each of you.  And, they see what an impact for Christ that I can make if I just shut the door on what I think and allow JC to take over....thank God for each of you.

When I shut out all the outside noise and just listen I was overwhelmed.  The thought of "how much goodness and graciousness do you need, Sherry, to serve me? ".  All I can answer is "nothing you gave it all". With that I feel God's love and compassion over me, repairing my broken heart, and telling me that it's all right to believe, trust, and dream.  Yesterday, I had a dream come true.  I opened my artroom up....eek!  I'm still praising God for the courage to open myself up to share who I am through doing artistic workshops.  The blessing is that I had a handful of kids yesterday and next week that will double in size.....God is good!   I prayed for a couple of peeps to sign up for Pinterest & Prayer workshop which will share my faith, family, and love of creativity with peeps... and there are more than I could imagine that signed up...God is good.   The best part is that I had peeps from my past & present to come out to e-mail, inbox me, and root me on yesterday...God is good!  And, I'm ready to take on the next step in serving him.

I want to invite you to pray for the kiddos that are coming to Creation Station that it be a place where they can let their creativity flow.  Pray for the moms & kids of Mama Mia....last night when I let the kids use paint and told them not to worry about making messes I don't know who was more surprised the moms or the was awesome!  And, pray for the gals that have signed up to come to Pinterest & Prayer tomorrow night.  Pray that they see my genuine heart to welcome them, have them be creative, and learn about our families & pray for one another. 

Finally, let me share with you about why I call Jesus Christ JC.  It's more personal and feels like he's a friend that I call daily through prayer.  And, yeah, both of our birthdays are in December so we're close like  When I talk to JC there is less intimidation, nervousness, and anxiety. He is a  true blue friend that loves you for who you are not what the world the world sees, parents tell you to be, or who you aspire to be.  If you need a friend that can be trusted in this world JC is it.  JC knows your heart, your spirit, and can lead you if you allow him to.  I'm ready to be led are you?

Peace Be With You-Sherry

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Migrant Worker

 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9


This week I've been tired, discontent, and down right crabby.  When I signed on as a Christian I didn't anticipate that I would feel rejected, let down, and tired.  I want to feel rejuvenated and have a luster for life.  Prepping to "reap the harvest" is tiresome to this gal.  And, I feel more like a migrant worker than God's princess.

Being the once English major I was I went and looked up definitions of "migrant worker". A migrant worker is by definition:   "A person who moves from place to place to get work, especially a farm laborer who harvests crops seasonally".  They are described moving place to place for work.  They may move from their home country to work either legally or illegally in another.  Ok, so, I left Des Moines to go to college in Maryville, Missouri.  I left Maryville to head to KC to begin my adult life.  And, for some crazy reason eventually moved to the small town of Pleasant Hill, Missouri once Emily was old enough to start school.  I don't think 5 homes is all that much in today's world but yeah, maybe that would constitute me as a "migrant". 

Then the thought of being a "migrant worker" comes full force.  How many schools have I taught at? 5.  How many churches have I went to & was a member since childhood? 5.  I love school so how many schools since childhood have I been a student? 5.  When I create things I usually create them one at time and the most is 5 if I really like what I did.  As I started writing this I saw how the number 5 keeps repeating in my life even if I don't notice it. 

I remembered that certain numbers have a biblical meaning and that 5 is one of them. I looked it up. Here's what I found out about 5 : " The number 5 symbolizes God's grace, goodness and favor toward humans and is mentioned 318 times in Scripture. Five is the number of grace, and multiplied by itself, which is 25, is 'grace upon grace' (John 1:16). The Ten Commandments contains two sets of 5 commandments. The first five commandments are related to our treatment and relationship with God, and the last five concern our relationship with others humans".

Maybe all along God has been moving me, prepping me, and allowing his "grace, goodness, and favor" in my life even when I didn't see it.  And, now I come to that scripture this morning that made me think of myself as a worn out, tired, and crabby migrant worker.  What if I could stop all that nonsense and be what God intends me to be.  He wants me to treat others with kindness, help them when I can, lead when I'm asked, and to literally shut out all the other noise that leaves me feeling like the migrant worker.  

Ohh, if only I could just shut out the "migrant worker" and all her complaints.  I think what I  need a Norma Rae in my world to fight the injustice of life, fight for safety of my mind & soul, and lead the way.  As, I write this, I realize that I've got that in my Heavenly Father.  He calms my whines, allows me time to rest when I need it, and all the discontent that fills me up like a volcano ready to explode....he sends a tidal wave of grace to wash it out.  He's here to lead me but I need to silence the "migrant worker".

This week my challenge to myself is to allow God's grace to wash over me.  All those "migrant worker" feelings need to be flushed out of me.  How is that going to happen?  Through prayer, contrition, and thankfulness. I get loopy just thinking about it but know it has to be done, handled, and become a way of life. I have to admit this blog started off to be one that I would crab, complain, and whine.  God's grace gave me the resolve & insight to see that there is so much more to do in the world than that.  Maybe, the term "migrant worker" instead needs to be defined as : One filled with God's grace that knows it, thanks God daily for it, and asks God what can I do for your kingdom & where will you send me.  Lovin' that newbie definition & the loving insight that my Heavenly Father showed me today.  

Peace Be With You- Sherry 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Privilege With Purpose

Deuteronomy 7:7-9
"The LORD did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any of the peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples, but because the LORD loved you and kept the oath which He swore to your forefathers, the LORD brought you out by a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. "Know therefore that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments;
- See more at:

"The LORD did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any of the peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples, but because the LORD loved you and kept the oath which He swore to your forefathers, the LORD brought you out by a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. "Know therefore that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments; - See more at:
Deuteronomy 7:7-9
"The LORD did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any of the peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples, but because the LORD loved you and kept the oath which He swore to your forefathers, the LORD brought you out by a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. "Know therefore that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments;
- See more at:
Deuteronomy 7:7-9
"The LORD did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any of the peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples, but because the LORD loved you and kept the oath which He swore to your forefathers, the LORD brought you out by a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. "Know therefore that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments;
- See more at:

               The Lord loved you- It was his free choice without any cause or motive on your part.  -Deuteronomy 7:8

"The LORD did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any of the peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples, but because the LORD loved you and kept the oath which He swore to your forefathers, the LORD brought you out by a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. "Know therefore that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments; - See more at:
"The LORD did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any of the peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples, but because the LORD loved you and kept the oath which He swore to your forefathers, the LORD brought you out by a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. "Know therefore that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments; - See more at:

This past weekend I was talking to the Tedster, my hubby.  We were talking about purpose and about how we squander and don't appreciate what we have.  I listened to what he was saying, how he felt he had wronged God, me , and the kids throughout his lifetime.  I listened and then it dawned on me that Tedster was starting to think like me....wowsies, God is good!  Let me share how.

While he was talking, I was nodding, and thought back to a great lesson that I learned from a four year old at church.  He was in my first Sunday School class, was super smart, a great helper, and knew the church like his own home....he was the pastor's kid.  One Sunday I was cleaning up and had heard him with his parents because he had done something less than pleasing. Church had started and I was done cleaning and was loading up my car.  I noticed that he was in his dad's office looking at a book and sitting quietly.  When I got back from loading my car he was still there and I asked him if he would like to go up to church with me since it had started.  He looked at me and said, "No, not this Sunday.  Church is a privilege not a right.  You are privileged to get to go worship God and serve him but I wasn't doing that and so I've gotta stay here".  Ohh, how I love that thought and have treasured it deep in my soul for years.  It's part of what keeps me going on really hard days & seasons in my life.

Why do I consider what a four year old said to be a treasure?  Well, because it caused me to think about my own faith and world.  I went to church, taught Sunday school, and was involved in mission work because the church provided me a sanctuary from my life. But what if I took it as a privilege? And, what if I stopped gripping, complaining, and crying over what my life was and thanked God for the privilege of all the twists and turns that he gave me.  There was a time after Emily was born that I actually cried, mourned for my "past life", and questioned God's choice in making me a mom.  Emily was a little over a year old before I saw that God gave me the privilege of being her mom.  The privilege of teaching my very own kid and showing her all the things that I loved : art, music, literature and more.  If you ask 20 year old Emily about those experiences she would say that she appreciates art, music, and literature because of her mom and how much her mom loved those things.  She would also tell you that she doesn't really get them or understand them like her mom but she does love math and science.  Then put into context the "privilege" principal.....Emily is privileged to have me as her mom to expose her to art, music, and literature and gain an appreciation for them even when her mind is more mathematical and scientific.  And, I'm privileged to be Emily's mom because God granted me the ability to be a mother, the privilege of learning to be selfless through motherhood, and the privilege of thinking beyond my own needs and wants. The ability for me to be a mom is not a right but a privilege that not every woman has....and how wrong I would be to ever take it for granted. 

In my conversation with Tedster I told him about my conversation with our pastor's son.  I told him how the world changed after talking with him for me almost 20 years ago.  I got the privilege to share with Ted that is how I think and when times are hard, things are bad, or when things are good I remember I am privileged.  I then went to list out a few of my privileges to him:

  • I'm privileged to have taught kindergarten, at Headstart, and preschool because there are many that never will never see a classroom as a joyful place or love learning. Loving to teach and learn is a privilege not a right.
  • I'm privileged to have a car that gets me places it's not a right.  Many go without a car.
  • I'm privileged to have a hubby not a right. Yes, with that one I think I caught him off guard.  I went onto say that many don't have a hubby that loves them, works hard for their family, and tries time and time again....yeah, so having a hubby is a privilege not a right. 
  • I'm privileged to love children's ministries and teach once a month.  There are places where you can't worship or teach Christianity without consequence or harm.  To love and teach in children's ministries is a privilege not a right.
  • I'm privileged to worship the Lord in my community.  Many people travel miles or hide to worship God in fear for their lives.  My ability to worship near and without fear is not a right it is a privilege.
  • I'm privileged to be a mom of two dynamic kids.  I'm privileged that they challenge me to be a better person, live for Christ, and love unconditionally.  Being a mom isn't a right it's a privilege.
We then went on to talk about how the world could change if people would take the "privilege" principle to heart. Could it help you find a purpose and be thankful for who you are? And allow you to see how God designed you to take on the world for him ?  I think that it could.  Of course, I've listened to the "privilege" principal for a long time in my heart and soul.  It's helped me get through lots of seasons of my life but the best "privelege" has been saved for the season I'm in right now.  I feel free from past bonds that held me back, made me question myself, and hurt me.  I'm privileged to say that each day I go forth is for God and him alone.  All my choices, decisions, and cares are through Him that walks behind me, beside me, and in the forefront....thank you Heavenly Father for the privelege of knowing your salvation and love for me.

Now, that you've heard my scoop on the privilege principle what do you think?  Do you think it could help you break some past bonds?  Usher you into a season of love, caring, and service to yourself, your family, and others.  I pray so. 

Peace be with you-  Sherry

Thursday, June 11, 2015

A Bad Case of B&B

Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. “For we do not want you to be unaware, brothers, of the affliction we experienced in Asia. For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself” (2 Corinthians 1:8).

Have you ever been brokenhearted ?  Or betrayed?  How did you deal with it?  This week finds me feeling both of those raw emotions and instead of crying about it I'm giving it all up to God.  I've got some situations going on in my world that are out of control.  And, for a recovering Type A Sherry personality that is really hard.....shoot it's hard for the mellower 45 year old Sherry to take.

In the past I've dealt with B&B (brokenhearted & betrayal) by: Crying which just made my eyes red and nose runny to the point that people ask if I have a cold.  Throwing up...yeah, that was my go to if things were too upsetting because my stomach would start to churn and you can guess the rest.  There is the classic go take a shower move where I would sob and then say I got shampoo in my eyes...classic excuse.  And my all time besty was to go to a closet, shut the door, and scream out loud....yes, my mom would always come running, fling open the door, and hold me as a kid.  As, an adult I've only went to the closet once and same response my hubby & kids came running and asked what was wrong with me and I yelled to leave me alone....and know what they did. And, when I left the closet they wanted to know what would ever possess me to do such a thing....shoot, it was a bad case of B&B.

Even though I'm older, wiser, and know that Christ is my go to I still try to fix people, things, and myself on my own.  What happens?  A bad case of B&B.  I'm not their fixer, the ultimate go to gal, or their savior.  What I am is someone that knows that I need Christ's redemption each and every day in my life.  Know when my lowest points are and B&B creeps in?  Days that I don't go and pray in the morning and relinquish it all to God and praise him for his smarts, capabilities and strength to move mountains and provide protection to the masses.  Yeah, those are the days I get a bad case of the B&B's. 

What I'm saying is that life is not perfect, people are far from perfect, and situations stink. Shoot, we've all been there, done that, and had that happen.  If we are blessed we remember these surefire B&B busters:
  • Have a sense of humor : Laugh at the mess that you are in, give thanks for it, and tell God to take it over and direct you.  He designed each of us smart, capable, and remarkably to meet the situations of our lives.   "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future" Proverbs 31:25
  • Wear God's armor daily like your best dress :Ok, I'll admit it I love Project Runway and I'm not ashamed.  It is the reality show where newbie designers compete for a Runway show during Fashion Week.  Tim Gunn is one of the hosts and when the pressure is on he tells the designers "make it work".  In reality, God, doesn't promise us a rose garden and peace on Earth.....he promises us a Heavenly home with him for eternity with our acceptance as Christ as a savior.  Well, I think God might coin the phrase "make it work" to us when the going gets tough and all seems lost.  Just ask for God's direction and fully trust him to guide you.
  • Have some RESPECT for yourself:  Isn't that the truth?  How many times in my life have I got myself into situations that I've got no biz being in because I forgot to have RESPECT for myself the God I serve.  How do you gain RESPECT ?  Try playing Aretha Franklin's, Respect, and then thanking God for all that you have, all that He is, and all that He will ever be in your life.
  • Gazelle like intensity:  Yeah, I did Dave Ramsey years ago with the Tedster.  Most days with bills, medical probs, and life we feel like running with gazelle like intensity. We've taken that gazelle like intensity and worked hard to pay on our house, try to pay our utilities, and maintain our cars.  And, we've thanked God that we have a home.  We thank God each time we pay a utility. We don't drive the best cars but we own them and we thank God for that.  It's shocking what it does to your spirit when you praise God each time you can pay something on a's freeing.  And, I've learned I don't mope about what I don't have because God blessed me with what I need.
  • Roar like a lion:  A couple of years with my health probs I literally fell apart. I was scared that God was gonna take me down & let everyone watch me fail because I couldn't be the Sherry that everyone knew.  What I learned is to stop that noise in my head and ROAR!  What's that mean?  One of my gal pals sent me a link to Katy Perry's, Roar, and said this is your jam, Sherry, now go Roar! I thought really, a pop song when I'm losing it?  And, then I listened to the lyrics and thought, oh, good grief, that is soooo true!  Instead of sitting by and letting my health deplete I chose to ROAR!  I am a champion of Christ who blesses me with the integrity, premise, and purpose on this Earth and because of that I'll get up and serve him each day.  Ok, so, what I'm saying here is daily say to God , "Let my words and actions be pleasing to you.  Allow them to be what helps to grow your kingdom".  
Those are my B&B busters. I also use post its.  Why?  I write tickets to people, places, and things that really naw on my spirit.  Why a post it?  Because it helps me condense my emotions and feelings. Once I've written the ticket I take and read it and then force myself to laugh at it and toss it in the trash can where it belongs.  No one person or persons, place, or thing has a right to rob me of my joy for the day, hurt me, or allow me to focus more time on it than giving God praise for all He is and will be in my life.  

Now, are you ready for the day?  Instead of wasting away with a case of the B&B's are you able to take out your post its? What about finding your "jam" are welcomed to use Roar by Katy Perry and laugh the whole way through the song if it helps you to have a sense of humor and make it work for God's glory.

Peace Be With You- Sherry


  • In two weeks I'll have my first workshop in the artroom.  Here's the classes I'm offering:  Pinterest & Prayer, Mama Mia, Creation Station, and Boy's DIY Bootcamp.  I can't say that one or the other is my fav because they all mean the blessing of being able to share my faith, love of teaching, and artsy-ness with others.  If you are interested in any of these please let me know & I can send you some details.  
  • It's my goal that each class that I do be low cost or free. Why?  Because I'd love for kids & adults to be able to attend to the classes and not worry about a fee....that would rock!  And, I'd love to have the ability to buy supplies as I need them and get my bathroom set up in the artroom.  In order to do that I've set up a Kickstarter to help with funding.  If you are able to donate even a $1 that would be remarkable so others can have a place to create :


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Chilly Willy


Proverbs 25:1 

Like a snow-cooled drink at harvest time is a trustworthy messenger to the one who sends him; he refreshes the spirit of his master.



Have you ever felt a cold feeling?  I don't mean the wind or in the winter.  Just an absolute cold feeling?  It used to happen to me more when I was younger and little more rowdy. I took myself to places that would give most people a chill.  But recently I've had that same familiar chill come my way.

I remember in high school when it first happened and I told my dad because it freaked me out.  It troubled something within my core .  And, I remember that I wanted to run as fast as I could but I felt like something was tugging at me to stay.  Without asking a lot about where I was or what I was doing my dad told me that God gave everyone a sixth sense.  He went on to tell me that sixth sense was the ability to know where I shouldn't be, who I shouldn't be around, and to tell me to get of where I was. And to be honest that made complete sense to me because I knew where I was and it was shady.

Well, within the past couple of weeks I've felt that same chill.  Why is that? What is God's green earth am I doing that God is trying to fend me away from? What is this mama of two and wife involved in that is shady?  Trust me it's nothing like in my teens.  I know God, I trust him, and I have faith and confidence that he walks with me.  So, why the cold chill?

It's made me think about where I've been when it happened, whose been there, and what is going on.  When I reflect it's all been situations where my faith is being questioned ever so slightly.  The friends that I'm talking with are talking about their personal heartaches....I thought I was being a good listener.  Then the chill crops up. In other cases friends ask about me and my faith directly.  They question how I can remain liberal in my ways and be a follower of Christ. 

 In one case I took my friends hand and started to pray over her....say what?  Yeah, that is so not my style.  I'm the friend that loves her friends and through me they are to know Christ....that's always been my gig with God. But I'm not the one that's ever been the bold one with her faith.  The one that instantly starts praying.  What's happening here? 

That is what scares me. I feel that chill and I start to pray with someone and tell them about God.  Who am I?  What right do I have to do that?  And, aren't they gonna ridicule me to my face or behind my back? Well, in the cases that I did start to pray it was like a ray of sunshine came through, eased their mind, and I no longer felt the chill.

But what about what my dad told me as a teenager that a "chill" was God's sixth sense to tell me to run fast and furiously away from the situation.  Or were those my dad's words where my Heavenly Father would have had me proclaim his love? 

The whole thing has me perplexed. Maybe there is truth in when you feel the "chill" that you pick up your friend's hand, hold it, and pray over them.  And, then maybe there are times that you feel the "chill" that you should run fast and furious from the situation.  This troubles my heart today.  How many opportunities have I had that instead of running I should have taken the hand of a friend and prayed with them?  How many times that I stayed for the good time should I have ran?  And, seriously, God, why, would you ever want this smart aleck, mouthy, city gal to ever be your back up to her friends and people she knows?  I don't feel qualified.....and that makes my heart hurt more.

So, today I'm going to pray about what God asks of me and how he shakes me up to get me to listen.  Shoot, a cold chill really can revive a gal from having her own "gig" with God into a gal with a God's gig imagine the possibilities. 

Peace Be With You- Sherry

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Patience in Motion

John 16:33 - These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Those that know me know that "patient" wouldn't describe me.  I've prayed to be patient when I was little and just didn't have the time to keep praying for  In adulthood I've prayed for "patience" and learned that God has a remarkable sense of humor in how he teaches you to be "patient".  Recently, a friend posted that she wasn't patient and it spurred me to re-define what "patient" means.

The dictionary defines "patience" as :   The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. says, " Patience is a virtue that can be instilled in children. Patience teaches children the value of delaying gratification, a skill necessary for maturity".  Does that mean that I'd be considered immature to be lacking in patience?  I tend to like the dictionary definition that says you are patient if you can accept trouble without getting angry or upset.  There's a huge challenge, right? What if we took on those challenges with joy, vigor, and spirit?  What would happen then?

Well, maybe a whole lot more than if we sulk, get angry, cry, and whine.  Maybe thanking God for the challenge of the moment.  I actually tried that last week.  I thanked God that he made me strong, smart, and capable.  He gave me parents that didn't fall apart and that taught me perseverance. I came along almost 10 years after my brother.  My brother would tell me "You don't know what it's like to suffer.  You came along when there was air conditioning and color tv".  My dad would tell him "If suffering is not having colored tv or air conditioning I'll take that any day over what I have".

Isn't that part of life though? The grass is greener over there syndrome.  Perhaps, we would find ourselves with more patience if we stopped longing for this, that, and the other thing and gave gratitude for what we are blessed with. We spun all those irritating people or situations into a positive twist.  Ok, I'll be the first to go with a Top 5 Gratitude's List.

Top 5 Gratitude's of the Day:

1. I'm smart and capable.

2. As it storms outside I'm reminded that I've got a home that keeps me safe from the weather.  We are able to afford it, I can decorate it how I choose, and it keeps my family safe.

3. Betsy Bravada (that's my car) takes a licking and keeps on ticking.....she's really the Timex of cars....wahahhaa. She's been able to take me to do errands this week and the dogs to the dog park.

4. I was able to have my surgery, do my monthly blood draws, and get referrals for other tests, etc. that I need.  I know that even though I have to wait for a paycheck to come in to see the doctor that I can go and will go.

5. We've got a clean laundromat here in Pleasant Hill which I can take our family's clothes to be dried. And the true blessing is that most days I can load the baskets of wet clothes & dried clothes. 

What do I love about that list?  Well, they are all smallish things that could make me question myself, have me in tears, or whine a lot.  But heck, why whine, cry, or question.  We know in our spirit that God's got this.  He told us that in the world there is "tribulation" but he overcame the world for all we have to do is believe and keep in good cheer.

Do you have the "capacity to accept" what life if throwing your way and make the most out of what you do have? What's on your Top 5 Gratitude's list today?  I would encourage you to find five things. Shoot, if I can do it anyone can. 

 As, for the rest of my day, I've got to go work in the artroom, get packages sent, and make porcupine meatballs for dinner.  And, no they are not made from porcupines....I'm a city kid, remember.  They are delicious meatballs made with a combo of hamburger, Italian sausage, and rice. Let me know if you want the recipe. 

Peace Be With You- Sherry

Updates on Life or A Little More Gratitude:

1. Emily has a ride to and from Longview....God is good. 
2. Dale & his pals have taken over building stuff for me this summer.  I told them what they build & sell is all theirs.  I'm loving their ambition. 
3. We found out yesterday that our health insurance had been dropped when Ted went to go get his insulin.  After a bunch of phone calls we got it re-instated by next Wednesday.  It's not perfect but it will work.  God prepped us by allowing me to call to cancel appointments for this week and make them for later in the that he taught me to be proactive so I could have the patience to get things done.
4. My dream & prayer of having workshops in the artroom is coming to fruition.  I'll be offering three classes that are six weeks starting June 16.