Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Rick Ashley Prophecy

Rick Ashley Prophecy

1 Samuel 16:76 "The Lord does not look at things that man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart".

Remember in the 80's that soulful, inspiring singer, Rick Ashley? Ok, maybe he was like pop art at it's best with those catchy lyrics, poppy videos, and that fab hair!  Ohh, be steal my love of hairspray...wahahaha.
Why in the world do I bring up Rick Ashley?  Well, yesterday, Em and I went to run errands.  More like walk, cramp, whine, and sit for me but hey I got out there.  We ran across a t-shirt that said "I Want A Man Like Rick Ashley" and then listed out the chorus to Never Gonna Give You Up.  I'm sure you can remember that  one but in case you can't here it is: 

"Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"

All I could do is laugh at the shirt and think to myself, "Geez, Sherry, you've got one.  You've got Jesus".  Through all the days this last year has brought the one true thing that I have beyond heartache, sorrow, and plenty of whines is Jesus is there with me.  He was even there with me when I thought he had turned his back and ran for the hills.  Not a chance with God he is steadfast like that, he loves us enough to let us hit the tough patch and then pick us up and let us keep going.  It seems though that God does allow us time to feel down, have a good cry, allow us to say goodbyes to friends and loved ones that pass from our lives which may be some of hardest times.  The one thing that he doesn't do is lie or deceive us or cause our hurts, pains, or our downfalls.  Those are just that "ours".  

The ability to lie, hurt, deceive, or slander, well, those are  human.  We do those daily in small or sometimes large ways.  I know I've told the driver's license bureau that I still weigh the same as I did when I moved to Missouri....uggh, not so much.  Others hide the truth of what really happened to save their own hearts, souls, and spirits. Or they "run" and end up hurting themselves far more than any hurt they saved others.  I'm that kind of gal. How about you?  I've done it since I was little.  I used to run outside and swing on my swing set when things were bad.  If I was hurt or I didn't want to share my feelings or emotions with anyone I'd "run".  Fears that others would judge or mock me I'd "run". 

I've spent a lifetime "running" when times were tough. I ran from college when my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and my parents couldn't pay for college.  I literally used to run when Ted and I would have an argument early on in our marriage to the nearest playground and swing rather than talking it out with him.  I ran from Des Moines where I grew up when my dad died and said that I would never go back.  If you ever wonder why I don't go back to Des Moines to visit....there ya go.  And, I ran last year fast and furious from my family and friends because I went to the ob/gyn and was told that I had bad cells, a mass on my ovary, and a chance that it was cancerous because of my genetics.  Yeah, that was probably the race that I literally ran from the fastest, hardest, and failed as I see it right now.  All I did with not having surgery earlier was hurt myself , my kids, Ted, my friends and disappoint God. 

I know the thought of disappointing someone has me "running" at times through my life.  How about you?  Rather than face what is going on....run.  Show you are incapable of solving a problem or maybe you were the problem...run.   Being who everyone wants and expects you to be you and failing... run for the hills!   Hey, maybe it is just me....but I believe there are more "runners" out there.  What we need to get through our minds, spirits, and souls is that God is disappointed in us at times. But God forgives, loves, and runs right along side us even as we try to avoid him or others that he puts in our path.  He doesn't mock us or cause us physical pain.  

How do I know?   I've been praying daily for God to allow me to have the pain but to let it be tolerable.  It is more painful for me to be seen as a failure as by Ted, the kids, and everyone around me.  And, I swear there have been moments that I would love to "run" to the park and swing it off.  But in reality all that does with the pain in my heart is hold it in.  So, I've ventured one better and asked God to allow my physical and heartache to be tolerable.  To strengthen me through this month and allow me the courage to go on in January.  And, you know what?  It's better....not perfect, not great, or even fine but better.  My spirit is renewed daily through Christ.  Physically, I've been better but by learning to ask God to make it "tolerable" it is most of the time and for the rest of the time there is my new boyfriend, the heating pad.  

My blog this week is all about learning how to daily "bear, believe, endure, love, and hope".  I'm challenging myself and all of you to do just this.  Daily set your alarm for 15 minutes early and ask God to step in and help make your day "tolerable".  Ask him to allow you to "bear, believe, endure, love, and hope" with all those that you come into contact with.  I think we will see a remarkable ability this week to do just that.  Because like the song goes, God is "never gonna run around and dessert you". 

Weekly Update:

I want to thank each of you that have reached out to me this past week.  I love how I've got a couple of Christmas cards from people I don't know....really, I don't.  They have shared that they have been reading my blog and wanted me to know that they are praying for me, that I've got worth, and will never be seen as a failure.  Do you know the power of having a complete stranger write you something that is so personal to you soul?  Wowsies, God is good! 

I've had some people ask me for more "ask" stuff.  How incredible is that?  That is huge for a gal who is glad to be the giver but scared to be the receiver.  And, for that, I thank God.  He is allowing me to grow up and "ask" the people.  They don't see me as being needy, a baby, or crazy....and for that God is good!  

Here's a smallish list of stuff for this week.  I thought I would do a  Top 3  Needs of the Week.  I've been blessed to have so many of those "asks" taken, done, and handled.  Thanks to all of you for helping when I "asked".  I know if January there will be times when we need someone to grab milk, just be there to talk, or if Dale needs something once he gets home from school.  If you would like to be on my list of people that he, Emily, or Ted can call please let me know.

1. I need to have dinner for this Friday and next.  Any takers? I'm still working the shop in Greenwood at this time.  The last two weeks have made me feel like a success to be able to work and have a meal for my family.   The only thing we don't eat is fish or seafood (Dale is allergic to them).  

2. Emily is working on getting our house organized and clean as her gift to me.  She could use the following to help her out : 1 box of gallon ziplocks, 1 box of quart size ziplocks, and 1 box of sandwich size ziplocks. A bottle of orange oil for wood, some Swifter wipes.  We've got wood floors in the house and she is willing to shine them if she's got the supplies.

3. Pray for Emily and Dale.  Their mom isn't quite the "elf" that she normally is.  I'm blessed that they love me all the same.  Today is my birthday and Dale wanted to take me to third Thursdays at Nelson Atkins for my "late birthday".  I had to tell him that I didn't know if I would feel up to it but there would be a day that I would.  It kind of broke my heart....my kid that loves art like me and finds solace in the art gallery doesn't have the mom that can take him and be just as thrilled by it as him.  Em had to help me get up from the artroom today and get upstairs.  She turned on the heating pad and tucked me in to rest.  Geez, I felt a bunch of emotions from shame in not being her fun mom while she is home to thanking God for the girl that is willing to help her mom.  So, yeah, pray that God re-affirms them daily, sends his angels to watch over them and keep them safe, and that they know they are loved and cared about beyond measure.  Those are all the things I've prayed for them since they were small and I'd like to have you all do the same.

Blessings on your week- Sherry

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