Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Combo Deal

Psalms 19:14 (KJV) Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,for those who are called according to his purpose.

Did you find your "perfect" peace with God this past week?  Or was it found in moments of the week?  That is where I find myself after this past week.  We've made a series of hard decisions that were made remarkable through some "peace" filled moments.  I've also had a hard time dealing with a couple of friends from the past that have came into my world full force.  They question my decisions about my blogging, my faith, and if I am who I say I am why is life so hard for me.  One even suggested moving back closer to my mom. My only response was to tell them that I appreciate the time and energy it took for them to contact me.  I also told them that I would appreciate their prayers in the future and to know that I'm praying for them as well.  It is with that "perfect" peace of a response that I could find closure on the conversation and let it go.

With that my blog this week starts with the Psalms 19:14, "Let the words of my moth, and the mediatation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer".  I remember praying this verse at church as a kid.  I don't remember the last part though , "O Lord, my strength, and redeemer". Was that perhaps because I took all the fault for my words and actions?  And was simply praying for God to help me  but not allowing him to have the glory of "winning" the battle of my words and actions?

 Hmmm....that really makes me have to think for a while.  What if we not only asked God for his help with our words and actions but also relished him for being our "redeemer and strength"?  It occurs to me that we could be a power packed force to be reckoned with for Christ if we prayed and believed that way.

So, that's what I'm going to do with my "criticisms" this past week.  Pray over Psalms 19:14 and thank God for the strength to take from them the things that I can change and drop the rest and not look back. I found Romans 8:28 to really be an eye opener for me once I do the criticism drop.  It says "And we know that those who love God all things work together for the good, for those who are called according to his purpose". 

I like the idea of asking God to help us with our words and actions.  When we finally can wake up and realize it is through his strength and with his redemption that we can be who God has designed us to be. We can show his glory and purpose through all that we do.  I'm digging the idea of making these two verses a "Combo Deal of the Week"that we can pray over daily for ourselves. 

 Tomorrow, January 7, is surgery day.  I paid a partial payment on my surgery bill yesterday...God is good!  Emily called Fontbonne yesterday and withdrew from her spring classes and made plans to go to St. Louis on Friday to get her stuff, get checked out from housing, and sign any additional paperwork.  And, Dale, got his excuse from Dr. Angell's office faxed in yesterday so he can be at the hospital tomorrow and on Thursday when I get to come home.  He's already talked with his teachers about it and got his homework lined up....wowsies, those kids are amazing advocates for themselves.  For that I'm thanking God for his help in giving them the strength, courage, and smarts to work it all out.

I've been known for my "Top 5 or 10" lists lately.  This week I thought yeah, I should do that but I'd give you 5 random facts about myself that you may or may not know. 

Top 5 Snippets About Sherry

1. When I'm sick I love cherry popsicles and cherry lifesavers.  Why? My mom went back to work when I was 3.  I was left with my dad and my brother at night so that is why I'm a little warped as a girl....wahaahaha.   When I was little and sick my dad would always get me cherry popsicles and cherry lifesavers.  He wasn't a nurse like my mom and didn't know most nights what to do with a little spunky girl. But when I was sick he had the cash to make his daughter feel better with those two things. 

2. I love to play cribbage because my dad taught me when I was little.  It was literally how I learned to add.  I taught both Em and Dale how to add that way too.  Unfortunately, both of them only remember bits and pieces of how to play.  It's my goal in 2015 to play cribbage with them so they will remember how to play it and pass it onto their kids someday.

3. I call my Grandma Hout the "original recycler". Her sewing room was filled with pill bottles with beads & bobbles, coffee cans filled with zippers, lace, & goodies.  She taught me how to make Valentines one summer because she saved all her old cards and we cut them apart, added glitter, sparkles, lace, and more.  When she and my grandpa auctioned off their house I got a coffee can filled with zippers, some buttons & beads in pills bottles, and that was about it.  I treasure all of those things in my artroom.  There is actually a pill bottle with pearls in my kitchen by the toaster & it was hers....it makes me smile to see it everyday.

4. The last time I talked with my mom on the phone was in the fall of 2013.  My brother was moving to California and she wanted to thank me for the blessing of being my mom.  She's got brain cancer and had decided to stop the meds, doctor's visits, test, etc.  Now, when I call to talk to her I get the answering machine because most of her days are spent resting and sleeping.  This breaks my heart because I was close to my mom....she's the one that taught me to have faith in Christ, was my personal nurse, the banker when I was in college, and my biggest fan in the world.  Now, I'm left with leaving messages on the answering machine and my heart mourns for the mom I once knew.

5.  Many of you know that I hate nature....I have since I was little.  I don't like the smell of the outdoors.  As a little girl my mom would tell me to go outside and get the "stink blown off".  I remember telling her that nature smells bad and she would just laugh.  That is why God gifted me with two kids that love nature!  Emily could spend the whole day outside if given a chance.  Dale is a leaf collector, bird watcher, and bug expert.  And, they have their mom that loves the city and tried to make them see that way....trust me.  Once I took them to city market and Dale kept yelling at me "what's that smell?".  I ignored him since he was close to a homeless person and the sewer but he kept on yelling it.  Finally, I took him aside and said, "That's the smell of the city.  Sewer and bum".  After I said it I knew that maybe he and Em knew something I didn't about the joys of being in nature rather than the city.  And, the other funny of this story is that I used to take the kids on "adventures" when they were little.  Dale would get in the car and ask "Are we going to nature or to the city to smell bum and sewer?"....wahahhahaha.  Yeah, that makes you re-think thing as an adult.

Ok, there's some snippets about me.  Know that I treasure all the e-mails, inboxes, and comments that I've got to my blog.  It's truly a blessing to know that I've got the power to encourage you through my own crazy experiences.  I've been blessed right now with each of your encouraging words, thoughts, and shared experiences.  You are a remarkable blessing to me.

Peace be with you this week.  Remember to focus on the "Combo Deal Of The Week"....I know it will give me a new perspective this week too.

Blessings- Sherry

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