This Sunday as Tedster dropped me off out front at church Elvis Costello's jam Peace, Love, and Understanding came on. I love that song but felt like it was more important to jam to God's word that Elvis Costello. In the sermon our pastor talked about Millennials and the Baby Boomers. I felt totally out of the conversation or sermon. Why? I fall into neither of those groups. I'm a Generation X gal. What does that mean or entail? I looked it up and here's what I could sum up about my generation.
- Professor Christine Henseler summarizes it as "a generation whose worldview is based on change, on the need to combat corruption, dictatorships, abuse, AIDS, a generation in search of human dignity and individual freedom, the need for stability, love, tolerance, and human rights for all"
- Gen Xers are often called the MTV Generation. They experienced the emergence of music videos, new wave music, electronic music, synthpop, glam rock, heavy metal and the spin-off glam metal, punk rock and the spin-off pop punk, alternative rock, grunge, and hip hop.
- Generation X is a more apparently heterogeneous generation, openly acknowledging and embracing social diversity in terms of such characteristics as race, class, religion, ethnicity, culture, language, gender identity, and sexual orientation
- Gen Xers are less likely to idolize leaders and are more inclined to work toward long-term institutional and systematic change through economic, media and consumer actions.
- Generation X statistically holds the highest education levels when looking at current age groups.
Within the sermon our pastor called for the Baby Boomers to show the Millennials the way to serve, tithe, etc. But what about the Gen Xers? What are we supposed to do? We are the smart, capable, believe in change through love & tolerance. What are we supposed to do while the Baby Boomers and Millennials rally? Can you tell the sermon fell on flat ears with me? To be honest I've thought over the past year that my role was to be a mentor to the younger generation at my church. To help the older generation with my service. And to encourage the whole gang at church through my thoughts, words, and actions.
Now, just maybe, Gen Xers, like me, were left out of the sermon. Why? Shoot, I don't really know but I know that it was a great conversation with my hubby afterwards. We decided that it is another way that God is showing us that we need to expand out of our comfort zone which would be our home church. God is leading us to show our love & servitude for him behind those walls and out in the big, bad world. And, by doing this our kids will see it & our Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomer friends. Maybe we can inspire a change for our own community by how we serve God and show our love for all?
Could it really be that easy? I'm not sure but I'm willing to take on a dare from my Heavenly Father. I'm willing to dream with Him. And, if I'm honest that makes me as excited as I was watching MTV back in the day with my pals. I love the thought that I with my artroom, workshops, and servitude could rock this planet for Christ.
I'm super excited by this challenge that God has laid in my path. I love that the creative workshops that I'm developing for kids and adults are taking off. I love that God is steering it all and allowing all the best of what he gave me to flow through the planning, developing, and teaching of the workshops. I love that God takes and steers you away from what you think is for him into what actually is ....God is awesome like that!
Now, it may be my morning cup of Carmel Drizzle coffee talking but I think my Gen X generation has a lot to offer. I see my friends from high school serving in their church did that happen? God. What about the rebels that were amongst us that shoot out God's word over their FB posts and blogs? God. There are my college peeps that are in publishing that are making a change by writing and editing Christian curriculum. That's God too. Everywhere that I turn I see my generation making a change for God, living what God intends, and walking away from the norm, mundane, and easy to do it.
This is the coffee kicking in but I feel a rush to go and keep in contact this morning with my writer pals. Connect with the pastor in Dallas to let them know my son is helping me to learn Skype. Thank you God for directing this gal that loves, forgives, and wants to spread your word.
Peace Be With You - Sherry
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