Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Straight Arrow

The LORD has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad.  Psalm 118:24

Ever feel like telling the world to stick it where the sun don't shine?  Yeah, I've had one of those moments this morning .  I feel frustrated, at a loss to describe myself, and I just want to scream and not in a rejoicing sort of way.

What's got me so glum chum?  I found out this morning that a friend of mine passed away.  He suffered a stroke about two weeks ago. His fam, friends, and college chums had all being praying for God's healing hands to be at work on him.  He has two girls that are around Em's age.  He was soft spoken but had a smile that would light up the room.  When you were around him you felt a sense of calm and peace.  That is why I'm glum.  One of the peaceful souls I knew left this world this morning.

I went to the workshop to saw boards.  That's my way of coping when things bother me I saw wood....lol. I sawing away I started to think about a design in my journal for an arrow.  I nabbed my journal and then cut the boards so they would be similar to my drawings.  I then got out the drill and attached the boards and sure enough there was an arrow. 

That got me thinking of how arrows are straight.  You are referred to as a "straight arrow" when you speak the truth and allow others insight to your world.  Have you seen the road signs with the bent arrows that tell you that there is gonna be a curve in the road?  And, what about the saying that you "dodged an arrow".  I know corny but it means that you survived your circumstances and came out ok. 

If I'm to take all this arrow talk to heart I would see that I'm not phony and have merit in all my words and actions.  I would thank God for the ability to curve when I wanted to go straight.  And, yes, I've survived this long and see that God isn't done with me. 

I've told him that he has to take over today because I really need time to just be a "feeler" today. What's that mean?  It comes from years ago when I taught.  One of the teachers said that there were two kinds of teachers in the world "thinkers" & "feelers".  She then proclaimed I was a "thinker" who didn't let her emotions show and she loved the control I had over them.  She on the other hand would cry at the drop of a hat.

Since that convo I've tried hard to come out of that "thinker" shell of mine.  I pester my pals about how their week is going, listen as they struggle, and pray over each of them.  Today, one of those pals is gone.  I'm taking a "feeler" day.  That means I'm free to pray, cry, and whine all I want for the day.  I've got faith and confidence that tomorrow will be better and I'll be back to my "thinker" ways but for today let the "feeler" in me flow. And, later today, I'm going to take time to "rejoice" to God that he put my pal in my life.  That He blessed me through knowing him, and that God has another fab peep with him today. 

Peace Be With You- Sherry

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