Thursday, December 10, 2015

Gross Grace

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed; 2 Corinthians 9:8

Ever read a verse and it has you thanking God for that moment you found it?  And, feeling free?
I'm right there this morning as I brew tea and pray over the nausea that is my life right now.  I was blessed to get the meds that I need last month but wowsies they make me feel really gross.  Although, I was thankful for resting last weekend I'm still super tired. My topper this week was looking around my home and seeing that I really needed to deep clean it & trying.  That left me with a huge pain on my left side that made me cry.
If I'm honest my old pal doubt comes in to let me know I'm not alone.....I've got doubt.  Doubts that I will ever feel like Sherry again.  Doubts that the meds aren't working....and I'm just sick from them as the world's sick joke on me?  Doubts about resting & sleeping this past week....everyone is just gonna think I'm lazy.  Doubts that I can't even be a mom, wife, or friend that my fam & friends deserve, need, and value....all they get is the girl that cancels stuff because she doesn't feel good, throws up, or cries.  Doubts that I'm doing the right thing in my life with the artroom and why don't I just go back to the classroom or sub....wouldn't that make more sense?  
This morning I ready for 2 Corinthians 9:8 and came up for air in my doubt ridden week. 
"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed"....why does that mean so much this morning?  Because it stops my friend "doubt" dead in its tracks.  It allows me to know that my life is not perfect and God knows it.  What it promises is:

1. God's grace will abound to you : that means He isn't leaving anytime soon and is sending reinforcements to my life daily.  That means the friends that message are my grace from God.  The gal pals that insist that me being late is no worry just come along are my grace from God.  My son who swept throughout our house this are my grace from God.  My sweet Emily who comes home from finals & nannying to do are my grace from God.  And, Tedster, for commuting to Kansas to work to ensure we can pay for our home, utilities, are my grace from God.  

2. Always having all sufficiency in everything:  that means being blessed to open the artroom up a couple of days this week after resting.  Making enough in the "tip jar" to send my son with lunch money and putting gas in the car.  It means looking at my messy house and taking a deep breath and knowing it is not a lifetime of "messy house" it is just a season.  It is me making phone calls this week to get appointments to my cancer doc for next week to see what I need to do next.  It is thanking God for each of these things.  Having a perspective that doesn't see doubt or failure but the "win" in the smalls. 

3. You may have an abundance for every good deed: I'm praying on this one this morning.  I'm praying that God will let my "little red hen" spirit be ok with resting and taking time for me.  I'm praying God will allow me to ask for what is needed right now....rather than wait, be filled will with doubt, or let fear creep into my life.  

All that from one verse.  I'm truly thankful this morning for 2 Corinthians 9:8.  I've got a list of "Great Smalls" that our family & I need right now. If you are able to help let me know and if you can pray for us in this season that would be remarkable.  I've learned to ask and so this is what I need help with.
The Great Smalls List : 

1. We need the oil changed in both the subaru and bravada.  I'm going to go the my cancer doc down in KC next week, get a mammogram, and also see my cancer counselor.  My cars are my way to get me there.  They are "oldish" like me & need the oil changed badly.  My bravada also needs to be tuned up....if you can do that I would love it!  

2. We've got missing shingles on our house.  I need someone to come and put shingles back on for us.  I've got the shingles and nails.  I need someone brave enough to take on this task.  

3. I've got a couple of things that I need to nab for Emily & Dale for Christmas.  If I'm honest I'm tired most days and just want to rest rather than shop.  I need to get them each a pillow to sleep on & an egg crate for their bed.  If you would like to nab those when you are out let me know.

4. I use "stress relief" lotion from Bath and Body work each day.  This week I ran out.  If you can nab a bottle for me that would be awesome. 
5. My birthday is next Wednesday. Each year for my birthday I go and help with Angel Tree here in Pleasant Hill.  Pray that I will be able to rest and feel like "Sherry" so I can help with the Angel Tree to wrap presents and distribute them next week.  
May you find the comfort in the "smalls" of life.  May you see those gross moments that you have a "gross grace" from God and keep going.  He's with you each "gross" or fab step of the way.

Peace be with you- Sherry

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