Remember being a kid at the pool or lake ? For me that meant splashing everyone and squealing when I got splashed back. It meant summer vacations and road trips to the lake to hangout on a boat and if it were warm enough we could jump in. Sounds sort of awesome, right, the warmth of the sun and the movement of the water. As a kid I would freak out when my face got wet . Truth be told even as an adult I hurry in the shower because I don't like my face getting wet. Let's just say swimming and boating aren't in my comfort zone.
This year I've had a vision when I pray of darkness and then a water drop and ripple. At Easter as I was praising the Lord I got the same vision and some vertigo. When vertigo happens and it does quite a lot to me I sit down and close my eyes. When I closed my eyes at Easter I saw the water drop, the ripple, and faster than I could imagine it was like I was under water in a beautiful blue waters with sunlight glistening through. I felt a calm and peace in the water. I felt like God was telling me to come walk on the water with him but I instantly let fear take over and the vision was gone and I was back to darkness and a water drop.
The next week the sonshine and I were coming home from a class we are taking in KC. I shared my water experience with the sonshine. What he said to me was "Mom, do you know what water means in the Bible? It means the Holy Spirit. Have you ever thought that you aren't afraid of water but are resisting the Holy Spirit?". Talk about something to ponder, right? The next morning I felt the familiar wave of vertigo start which feels a whole lot like buoyancy of water and I said "Holy Spirit if that is you please guide and direct my day and stop with the buoyancy already". And, you know what? The vertigo stopped.
Last month the hubs & I went on a retreat in Kansas. That night I felt God telling me in no uncertain terms by the end of the retreat I was going to walk with him on the water. I thought back on the water drop, its ripple, and my latest word "flow" that I had been journaling about. It made me write FLOW in all caps in my journal. It was if I could rebel and that going with the flow would be enough. I felt my friend vertigo take over and had to close my eyes to just sit upright. I started to praise God for ; the comfy couch I was sitting on, time spent with the hubs, time spent to praise him and thank Him for trust of a Father that will never leave me. Through my deep breathing to try to control the vertigo I was taken back to the beautiful blue water and then saw a spring that had started. I then saw the hand come from the spring and heard the words "walk with me". I took the hand to walk and could recognize that my life was never ever going to be the same. It was as if the spring was running through my veins to nurture my soul, calm my mind, and encourage my heart.
This year has been in a season of challenge, change, and confidence in my faith and my design from the Father. I've felt threatened in so many ways ; my health, my daughter's health, our home, repairs to our home and working creatively. The threat and fear feels very real and its ominous. I'm reminded that it is the world, and it is not God. I am reminded of that as I pray daily for His favor to shine through. I feel a confidence daily that is because I fully recognize my place as the daughter of the King. I find solace in praising God ; "This world will continue to spin , Lord, with or without me, I know ultimately you are in control, you will show me favor in great ways. All my joy is to sing your praises"
The next week the sonshine and I were coming home from a class we are taking in KC. I shared my water experience with the sonshine. What he said to me was "Mom, do you know what water means in the Bible? It means the Holy Spirit. Have you ever thought that you aren't afraid of water but are resisting the Holy Spirit?". Talk about something to ponder, right? The next morning I felt the familiar wave of vertigo start which feels a whole lot like buoyancy of water and I said "Holy Spirit if that is you please guide and direct my day and stop with the buoyancy already". And, you know what? The vertigo stopped.
Last month the hubs & I went on a retreat in Kansas. That night I felt God telling me in no uncertain terms by the end of the retreat I was going to walk with him on the water. I thought back on the water drop, its ripple, and my latest word "flow" that I had been journaling about. It made me write FLOW in all caps in my journal. It was if I could rebel and that going with the flow would be enough. I felt my friend vertigo take over and had to close my eyes to just sit upright. I started to praise God for ; the comfy couch I was sitting on, time spent with the hubs, time spent to praise him and thank Him for trust of a Father that will never leave me. Through my deep breathing to try to control the vertigo I was taken back to the beautiful blue water and then saw a spring that had started. I then saw the hand come from the spring and heard the words "walk with me". I took the hand to walk and could recognize that my life was never ever going to be the same. It was as if the spring was running through my veins to nurture my soul, calm my mind, and encourage my heart.
This year has been in a season of challenge, change, and confidence in my faith and my design from the Father. I've felt threatened in so many ways ; my health, my daughter's health, our home, repairs to our home and working creatively. The threat and fear feels very real and its ominous. I'm reminded that it is the world, and it is not God. I am reminded of that as I pray daily for His favor to shine through. I feel a confidence daily that is because I fully recognize my place as the daughter of the King. I find solace in praising God ; "This world will continue to spin , Lord, with or without me, I know ultimately you are in control, you will show me favor in great ways. All my joy is to sing your praises"
My life is to serve as a gratitude journey to our Heavenly Father. My story and the precious details are all His with my complete confidence and trust being in Him. May each of you see that lovely drop that trickles when you close your eyes from the world. May you come into fruition feeling the buoyancy that is the spring of eternal hope.
Peace be with you- Sherry
Peace be with you- Sherry
- The darling dot, Emily, goes to the epilepsy specialist next Tuesday. Please pray that God will guide and direct Dr. Seeley with her care and treatment.
- I'm working on a series of creative week long summer camps for kids. I feel like God is telling me to branch out & have written a proposal to ask for local churches and non-profits to provide space for the camps. Prayers would be appreciated that each camp finds a home space. If you know of a church or non-profit that would like to host a week long kids creative camp in the KC area please contact me.
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