The word that came to my mind was dive. Ohh, Lord, you know I don't like to get my face wet. Instantly, I was taken to the Southside pool as a kid maybe 5 years old. It was hot, crowded and I was looking for my big brother. That meant I had to go near the diving boards at the deep end of the pool. I heard someone tell me to dive and I instantly jumped into the 8 foot water without a care.
Now, let me tell you something friends. At 5 I couldn't swim. If I dove into the water it would only be to my brother who was there to help me but never alone. I was too afraid of the water. Shoot, truth be told I didn't learn to swim until I was 22 and had moved to KC. I learned to swim but still to this day if someone took me to the deep end of a pool and told me "Dive" I would walk , no run away.
The grace is that I had my eyes closed and knew that I was safe because I had wasn't alone. I was with God. He took me to the pool and I dove. As I rose out of the water I was no longer in the Southside pool from childhood. I was in possibly the ocean. The water wasn't clear but I felt content. Still in my 5 year old self there was a glittery seal and glittery dolphin with me. As they dove into the water so did I. I dove again and again.
The words; bold and dive came as I opened my eyes and wiped my tears.
This was over a week ago. I'm still trying to figure out the sparkly dolphin and glittery seal. But I know what dive means. It is an acronym.
D; dig "rest not as a tomb but a tomb abandoned, stone rolled out, you are being rendered to roll out"
I: ignite "as a fire irrupts it will be extinguished with holy water of the Holy Spirit. It will be a like a pool in the heat of the summer waiting to be dove into"
V: vested "steady yourself you know whose your Daddy"
E: erupt "that all would hear and know no one left behind the mighty shield of my people"
Then this thought that" if you don't want to dive you can chose to go down the slide or go to the kiddy pool. Just get into the water. Listen to the water aka the Holy Spirit kid. Daddy has got you exactly where he wants you. Compassion that overflows like a current. Catch the wave".
What wave, Daddy? There's so much chaos and I don't know what wave you want me on. "No, you are the wave, they are the wave. Fill with determination and DIVE".
Then I'm taken back to the line at the Southside pool on a hot sunny day. The need to dive, to be refreshed by the cool water. To praise for no longer feeling scorched by heat now renewed by water.
I believe that is for all of you too, friends. We are living in a pandemic. Each of us has our own pandemic going on inside an it isn't Covid 19. There aren't enough words for what I feel let alone to describe your feelings, friends. I'm confidant that now is a time that we will grow ourselves and in our faith.
We are placed here to grow in our faith and whom we were created to be. There in the silence you need can hear that you were created by the one that gives life; a Heavenly Father. He defines who you are and calls you his beloved child. You are not in this time alone friends. There are others around the world that are beloved children of God. Our connection to Jesus is unbreakable. He came and died so that we may live. We would spread His light, hope, and love.
Now all we have to do is dive. Peace be with you- Sherry
PS; if you need someone to talk to or pray with you please contact me. My email is ; . I've got time to talk on the phone, video chat, email, message, or even snail mail and write you a letter.
May God's peace overwhelm you and flow into all your pores. Let his overwhelming light and grace give you hope and wrap around you to keep you safe. Amen.
We are placed here to grow in our faith and whom we were created to be. There in the silence you need can hear that you were created by the one that gives life; a Heavenly Father. He defines who you are and calls you his beloved child. You are not in this time alone friends. There are others around the world that are beloved children of God. Our connection to Jesus is unbreakable. He came and died so that we may live. We would spread His light, hope, and love.
Now all we have to do is dive. Peace be with you- Sherry
PS; if you need someone to talk to or pray with you please contact me. My email is ; . I've got time to talk on the phone, video chat, email, message, or even snail mail and write you a letter.
May God's peace overwhelm you and flow into all your pores. Let his overwhelming light and grace give you hope and wrap around you to keep you safe. Amen.
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