I am suffering from a migraine and I am having a hard time breathing as I begin to type. I feel like I can't rest until I put words on paper...or in blog. I hear the word waves. Could it be the waves of pain, nausea, or just lack of air flow? Or could waves be something larger like an ocean wave?
In reality I feel a rocking motion with the migraine and waves of nausea. But I think our Heavenly Daddy is after something bigger and broader. It is about my circumstances feeling crippled mentally and physically in this moment. It is about not losing hope or wonder in whom God created me to be and whom my Heavenly Daddy is.
It is in faith and confidence that I can rock and roll through this day and the ones to come. It is in faith and confidence the little girl who didn't like her face wet has become a woman who roars to the waters and waves bring it on because I am the beloved daughter of the king.
I am no longer that little girl that is scared of the water and petrified that I will drown. I am strong, capable and when I can not roar with God's intensity and light He roars over me. I know that today and am hopeful that you know it too in your day, your circumstances, and when you are in the waves.
May we choose to be in the waves with our creator, the maker of life, and the ultimate artist who has designed you and me to be there with him. Maybe the waves gently brush our ankles and we feel the warmth of the water. Maybe the waves are crashing into us and we feel like we are about to loose our footing.
That is when I stand to remind you that in Psalm 40 our Heavenly Daddy picked us up, out of the muck and stood our feet on a rock. He didn't just leave us there on the rock in wonder. He went a step further and made our footsteps firm. Firm in the beautiful creation that is you and that is me. Firm that we will not topple in the waves but we are there to play, rejoice, and breathe the sweet destiny of us as God's beloved children.
Ok, my migraine feels like it is letting up which makes me want a cup a tea and to go to my art studio. Like the mouse from the children's book if you give this girl a word, Heavenly Daddy, she will serve you, write, and go create but she will want a cup of tea.
May you walk in MERCY & PEACE;
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