Friday, September 4, 2020

Brand Name

Brand; what brand do you wear?

"Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness,
and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon".  Isaiah 58:10 

I felt like the word of the week was "brand" for me. It felt like God was questioning me "will you wear the brand, the mark, will you choose to be a trendy Wendy or a sequestered jury?". Wow, that is a lot to ponder for a girl that loves ponderings. "Brand" left me pondering for August. 

I instantly thought of my son, Dale, when he was in fifth grade. I bought him a Nike hoodie and he refused to wear it. I told him the swoosh was cool. "No" was his answer. It's your favorite color of blue and the answer was "no". Just feel the inside of it and how soft it is and the answer was "No, I don't want it".  Exasperated I asked him what label he would wear. He told me that he wouldn't wear the swoosh or any other label because it was a brand. I asked him what brand did he want? He told "knowing God was the only brand that matters". Yeah, did I mention how deep my kid can be?  

It's that way in the world, friends. There are things, people, and literally, companies that we bear their brand. We probably don't think of it as a brand. It is the cool thing to wear but is it? Did you research who makes the clothing or where the materials are sourced? It's the trendy new restaurant. Do you know how they treat their employees or where they get the food ? Nope, me neither.  If it is bright, shiny, and I like it I want it. 

I think it gets more complex when you hear people talk about causes or dare I say it...political candidates. It's harder to figure out what's right, wrong, or indifferent. There is so much information out there. Information that could be right or could be wrong. It reminds me of when my mom would say "would you jump off a bridge if your friends were doing it". In all honesty as a teen I always said no because;  I have a fear of bridges and the water underneath. In reality in my life how many times have I jumped off the bridge to bear a brand ; clothing, causes, candidates and I don't even know if they stand with Jesus. How many times do I simply let the bright, shiny steer me. How many times does the thing that breaks my heart make the choice for me rather than saying what would Jesus do?  

I pondered about allowing God in on it? I mean without Jesus I could never be free, right? How can I say I choose "liberty and justice for all" when I don't consult Jesus who gave me "liberty and justice". Could I be vulnerable enough to say Jesus send your helper the Holy Spirit to help me decide whether or not to buy that cute yellow purse. Or even more vulnerable to say Holy Spirit tell me which cause is yours. Holy Spirit is the candidate that I would choose one on your team? 

I let the Holy Spirit roll in and guide me; yellow purse first and then all the big stuff.  It was like being in a sequestered jury room with no outside influences; no social media or news, not even one call to friends or family. Can I just sit and allow it? Challenge accepted. 

It was in that "time out" I was led back to Isaiah 58:10, "Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon".  It dawned on me that if I took the "time out" my mind, heart, and soul could be fed with the heart of God. I could take that light given so it would shine through me with decisions. In the spirit I choose Jesus rather than the world. Leading with the spirit is important. It is important enough to take a "time out" for yourself to pray and ponder. 

When we choose with our minds or hearts we often align with things that are worldly. Worldly doesn't always choose Jesus. We may not want to rock the boat, friends. I don't want to fight the worldly battle, God, with my friends, family, and others I just want to love them. I pondered on that.  I can see Jesus in a boat with the rocking waves. I get the feeling that Jesus could calm the storm and rock the waves a time a time or two. I trust Jesus so then I began pondering that age old question WWJD? 

WWJD when faced with who I follow on social media and whom I would ally with. Would I want to go down the river without a paddle with this person, company, or group? Would they help me navigate the rough waters or just be in for those lazy river days? Do I want to bear their brand whether it be clothing or candidates? 

I've got the words "liberty and justice for all" running through my head.  Do I make choices believing that the person or cause or label really wants to love everyone like Jesus. Does the person, company, or cause do, say, or promote things that gives liberty and justice for all? Do they do it with the love of Jesus or the love of themselves, profit, or by harming others? Could I be branding myself as someone that is a Christ follower or seen in reality as one that doesn't know Jesus. Through Jesus we are given liberty and want others to have that same freedom no matter who they are or what they've been through or done...right? 

Do I want justice for all even those that I would label unjust? There's my second "time out"with the Holy Spirit. I came to the conclusion that; "Yeah, I do, Lord, a little begrudgingly because of my own emotions and mindful ways". That is the beauty of leading with the holy spirit and discerning with the spirit. You allow your Heavenly Daddy that loves you to guide you. When we do this we bear his brand. 

I want desperately to be that person that jumps off the bridge into the boat without a paddle that says "ok, Jesus, we've got this". I want to be that same person that sees others on the river's edge and yells "jump on its a wild and refreshing ride". I want to wear the ultimate brand that God created me with beloved daughter; "Lord, please let my words, actions, and alliances bear your brand beautifully, with wisdom, grace, and dignity and when they don't put me in a time out to ponder". 

When I allow the Holy Spirit in to help I get questions like this ; Does it show that I am a beloved daughter or son of the king of kings? Is Jesus an integral part of why I choose it? If I can trust the Holy Spirit with small stuff like a yellow purse or restaurant what happens when I ask about the big stuff like causes or candidates? Will this cause bear your light, grace, and dignity to the world? Does this candidate bear your light and treat others with dignity? By "timing out" we can tune into God's light and truth. Sometimes it is easy and we can answer yes. That is awesome! Sometimes the answer will require us to go to "time out" to ponder, learn, and lean into God for more than just a few minutes or days. We must willingly accept our "time out" for that yellow purse and when deciding what candidate we'll vote for or cause that we will rally for. 

My simple prayer about bearing a brand is like this ; "May I be led by the spirit more than the brand, Lord. I humbly anticipate a time that I get to help feed the hunger of this world with your truth, acceptance, and forgiveness. Allow me to see with your eyes, hear with your ears, and love with your heart, Heavenly Daddy. I wait to bear your brand of light to my family, friends, and all I encounter.  Amen". 

Peace be with you- Sherry

P.S, Enjoy the pic of a little Dale from way back. He is now 20 years old, still believes God is the only brand. I'm thankful for both Dale and Emily who provided their worldly mama with the light, calm, and integrity of our Heavenly Daddy.  I love that they continue to school me, challenge me, and help me grow in my relationship with God.