Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Joy Robber

This past week I've spent some much needed time just talking to God daily & thanking him for the remarkable journey that I'm on.  I mention this because over the weekend my hubby shared with me that he feels no joy in the world.  He says that it is the same day in and day out and it is always tough, demanding, and negative.

Can you relate to my hubby?  If so I'm hoping that you have a friend or family member to confide in right now.  Life is tough right now for our family ; Ted is the sole earner for our fam, we have a car that is in the shop getting fixed, a daughter with a seizure disorder, a son that is learning to drive, and I've got cancer.

I was impacted by Ted's words because I think that the world in general seems to be lacking joy.  Look at the news reports, friends posts on social media, and the negativity that seems to flow.  It does make it hard to stay positive, see the good, and keep one's faith.

The beauty in every situation is through our salvation through Christ as believers.  With that salvation we have the ultimate confidant, counselor, and savior in our Heavenly Father.  I go to Him daily and talk with him about my life, fears, and hurts and give it all away.  I then ask my Heavenly Father for His mercy and grace to get through each moment of the day so that I can radiate his love and that others feel it through me.

This past weekend I was taken back to times in our marriage of change, fear, and distraught.  I remember that God's grace and mercy was a part of our lives and thanking Him daily for it.  I also remembered that when things are the worst Ted & I come together to pray away the doubts, losses, and fears. And, I remembered that I'm a wife and need to pray daily for my hubby that God's grace and mercy be with Ted each step of his day that God be radiated through Ted to others.

I want to encourage each of you this week that when you feel fear, loss, or negativity surround you that you reach out to your Heavenly Father.  Have an open & honest dialogue with your savior and ask for his mercy and peace to sustain you.  Don't know the Lord or fear that he has forsaken you?  Fear not, you are loved by a Heavenly Father that never has left your side and desires to be your best confidant.  He loves and cares for you....all you have to do is ask Him into your life.  If you need someone to pray with you feel free to contact me I would be honored to pray with you.

Peace be with you -Sherry


  • I got a call this week about my car & they located the part via Ebay....God is good.  I'm hoping by the end of the month to have my car back and working. God is good. 
  • Yesterday, I went to KC, to have double radiation and an infusion.  It was a tough day physically for me and I had a few pit stops to get sick on the way home.  My precious blessing was my friend that lent me her car to get me there and back.  The air conditioning in her car was remarkable & refreshing. All I could think of in the car ride was how blessed I was it be in the air conditioning on the ride to and from KC.  God is good.
  • I love seeing God working in my kids lives.  On Tuesday afternoons Emily helps at the kids support group at Gilda's Club.  The kids made books yesterday about their lives.  As Emily was cleaning up she heard one of the little boys that she is assigned to start to cry and be inconsolable by the leaders.  She stopped cleaning and picked him up, hugged him, and told him it was all going to be all right.  He asked her how she knew it was going to be all right since his dads cancer was getting worse. Emily shared with him about her faith and that even though things are messed up and the people they love are sick God has a purpose for her and for him so they have to keep going.  I love that God's light radiated through Emily...God is good.
  • Dale got his driver's permit on Friday.  My blessing is that Emily has been taking him to the high school and helping to teach him to drive....God is good.

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