Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Patience in Motion

John 16:33 - These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Those that know me know that "patient" wouldn't describe me.  I've prayed to be patient when I was little and just didn't have the time to keep praying for  In adulthood I've prayed for "patience" and learned that God has a remarkable sense of humor in how he teaches you to be "patient".  Recently, a friend posted that she wasn't patient and it spurred me to re-define what "patient" means.

The dictionary defines "patience" as :   The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. says, " Patience is a virtue that can be instilled in children. Patience teaches children the value of delaying gratification, a skill necessary for maturity".  Does that mean that I'd be considered immature to be lacking in patience?  I tend to like the dictionary definition that says you are patient if you can accept trouble without getting angry or upset.  There's a huge challenge, right? What if we took on those challenges with joy, vigor, and spirit?  What would happen then?

Well, maybe a whole lot more than if we sulk, get angry, cry, and whine.  Maybe thanking God for the challenge of the moment.  I actually tried that last week.  I thanked God that he made me strong, smart, and capable.  He gave me parents that didn't fall apart and that taught me perseverance. I came along almost 10 years after my brother.  My brother would tell me "You don't know what it's like to suffer.  You came along when there was air conditioning and color tv".  My dad would tell him "If suffering is not having colored tv or air conditioning I'll take that any day over what I have".

Isn't that part of life though? The grass is greener over there syndrome.  Perhaps, we would find ourselves with more patience if we stopped longing for this, that, and the other thing and gave gratitude for what we are blessed with. We spun all those irritating people or situations into a positive twist.  Ok, I'll be the first to go with a Top 5 Gratitude's List.

Top 5 Gratitude's of the Day:

1. I'm smart and capable.

2. As it storms outside I'm reminded that I've got a home that keeps me safe from the weather.  We are able to afford it, I can decorate it how I choose, and it keeps my family safe.

3. Betsy Bravada (that's my car) takes a licking and keeps on ticking.....she's really the Timex of cars....wahahhaa. She's been able to take me to do errands this week and the dogs to the dog park.

4. I was able to have my surgery, do my monthly blood draws, and get referrals for other tests, etc. that I need.  I know that even though I have to wait for a paycheck to come in to see the doctor that I can go and will go.

5. We've got a clean laundromat here in Pleasant Hill which I can take our family's clothes to be dried. And the true blessing is that most days I can load the baskets of wet clothes & dried clothes. 

What do I love about that list?  Well, they are all smallish things that could make me question myself, have me in tears, or whine a lot.  But heck, why whine, cry, or question.  We know in our spirit that God's got this.  He told us that in the world there is "tribulation" but he overcame the world for all we have to do is believe and keep in good cheer.

Do you have the "capacity to accept" what life if throwing your way and make the most out of what you do have? What's on your Top 5 Gratitude's list today?  I would encourage you to find five things. Shoot, if I can do it anyone can. 

 As, for the rest of my day, I've got to go work in the artroom, get packages sent, and make porcupine meatballs for dinner.  And, no they are not made from porcupines....I'm a city kid, remember.  They are delicious meatballs made with a combo of hamburger, Italian sausage, and rice. Let me know if you want the recipe. 

Peace Be With You- Sherry

Updates on Life or A Little More Gratitude:

1. Emily has a ride to and from Longview....God is good. 
2. Dale & his pals have taken over building stuff for me this summer.  I told them what they build & sell is all theirs.  I'm loving their ambition. 
3. We found out yesterday that our health insurance had been dropped when Ted went to go get his insulin.  After a bunch of phone calls we got it re-instated by next Wednesday.  It's not perfect but it will work.  God prepped us by allowing me to call to cancel appointments for this week and make them for later in the that he taught me to be proactive so I could have the patience to get things done.
4. My dream & prayer of having workshops in the artroom is coming to fruition.  I'll be offering three classes that are six weeks starting June 16. 

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