Thursday, September 3, 2015

Treasure Seekers Wanted

Luke 12:15 – “And he said to them, ‘take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions".

If you've ever met me you know I love to treasure hunt.  Where? In thrift shops, garage sales, etc.  I've got an eclectic taste in the things that I buy.  I love taking things that were once thought used, trash, or unnecessary and making them into treasures that people love.  It's a great way to earn a little extra cash & let me creative spirit flow.  That creativity helps get me through some rough times and great ones too.  It is a blessing from God to have it at my inner core.

This past week I had a gal pal come hang out.  She asked me where I found the energy to do things, the inspiration, and how I was.  I told her it was all God.  He is the one that challenges me to do more than I think I can. I told her that I've learned to take the challenges and things that scare me and run with them when I keep feeling that it is something that I need to do.  I also shared with her about my health and why I feel time is precious & not to be taken for granted. 

Earlier this year I had my ovaries, some small masses, and a large one taken out.  The large mass burst as they were trying to get it out but the other small masses and ovaries came out.  They found I had stage one : one cancer.  My doctor's concern was over the large mass that burst during the surgery because the cancer cells were now loose in my body.  That is why it's imperative for me to go get blood drawn monthly, check in with the cancer doc, and report anything that seems different.

I had been doing well with this but in May our health insurance doubled in cost because of my health.  We've been trying to get a grasp of re-working our finances and trying to figure out a way that I can still do my monthly checks.  I also had a colonoscopy that showed that I had precancerous cysts and polyps in my intestines.  About a month ago I started to have cramping and feel achy.  That was followed by bleeding when I went to the bathroom. 

Last Friday I went back to the cancer doc, got my blood drawn, and did an ultrasound and MRI. She reassured me that the bleeding and cysts can be treated but they wanted my to have another mammogram.  In the spring my mammogram showed some smallish cysts that they were going to watch.  They want to ensure those haven't gotten larger before they decide on a treatment plan.  I was humiliated as I walked to the mammogram and got told I had a co-pay of $150.  I didn't have it. Instead, I made an appointment for the mammogram in a couple of weeks and walked out with faith and confidence that God would allow me to earn enough to pay for it. 

I'm not sharing this with you for sympathy or help.  I'm sharing it with you as a testimony of what you can do when you know God walks before, behind, and beside you.  You walk in faith and confidence in all you do.  You aren't defeated but challenged.  Challenged to listen to God and rise up and do what he says. 

I forgot that challenge this week because I was trying to decide how I could earn the $150 for the mammogram.  And, how I could earn a $80 for another doctor's appointment.  I got lost.  It happens, people.  We get so intent and focused on the material things in our world like cash or treasures that we forget the "real treasure".

I got reminded of the "real treasure" on Tuesday night as I held a Mama Mia class in the art room.  There were a group of 14 moms with kids in the art room, painting, laughing, helping one another and bonding.  I looked around and thought who needs my help and heard go sit down.  I just finished upholstering a beauty parlor chair this week and it was pumped up so I could sit high.  I sat in it and looked around and saw the "real treasure" that God put in my life.  He gave me an art room with supplies to share.  He gave me friends that support my creativity by bringing their kids to the art room for classes & asking others to come.  He allows me to sit back and think "wow, this is good" and give him some praise for what he's's truly so much more that I could have dreamed.

All that being said I would ask you to question your intent.  Ponder where you heart lies.  And then leave all those material things behind...yeah, I'm just guessing most of your work, focus, and intent is on the material worth.  I know mine goes there daily.  Your challenge like mine is to : take a deep breathe & say" I walk with faith and confidence because God is with me".  And, then let Him go to work.

Peace be with you- Sherry

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