Thursday, January 28, 2016

Saying Grace

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Grace; (verb) do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one's presence
Today I went to my cancer support group.  I had to introduce myself, talk about my diagnosis, and it was literally one of the most nerve racking things that I've had to do in my life.  Why?  Those of you that know me know that I'm an extrovert .  But today it was admitting what is wrong with me...that's easy to do when you are writing a blog but actually facing others that don't know you and telling them....eek!  
What I found was a group of ladies that knew me.  They knew because they have been there, done that, and felt the same emotions.  The counselor suggested to all of us that we needed to re-define grace.  She said that we needed to remember to allow ourselves daily grace.  We need to know that we have the grace to admit ; I don't feel well, I need help, and I'm scared.  
How many times have you given yourself that kind of grace?  For me I think of the grace that God grants me daily to get through, to know I'm loved, and forgiven.  I think of grace for those women that are poised and elegant.  If I were to think of words to describe me I wouldn't say grace....I'm clumsy, opinionated, clever,creative, and love the Lord but grace nope that isn't one of my words.  
Why is that?  Why isn't grace a word that we use to describe ourselves.  I'm challenging myself to add "grace" to my description.  It is with "grace" that I'm learning to tell my family & friends how I feel physically and emotionally.  It is with "grace" that I tell people that I have to pass and can't do things.  It is with "grace" that I ask for help with the smalls, mediums, and larges that life throws me.  
Hhhmmm...maybe "grace" should have been a word I used to describe myself long ago.  God who is graceful shows me his grace daily and I want to shine for him.  Maybe through challenging myself that "grace" that I have for a day, moment, or minute is sufficient, right, and dutiful to the Lord that I can easily list it on descriptive words about me.  
How about you?  Would you use grace to describe yourself,  the season of your life, or know that through grace you are enough?  Today is a new day that God has gifted each of it.  Make time to find your "grace" in the walk. 
Peace be with you- Sherry
  • I go next Tuesday for my second iv injection.  I feel solemn about it & know that I will have the grace to allow my fam & friends help me through it.  The first iv injection I thought it was fine and within a couple of days learned I really was completely tired, overwhelmed, and sick.  This time around I'm going to have the "grace" to ask not only my fam but my friends to help me. God is good!
  • Our family is going to Gilda's Club tonight to play bingo with other families of cancer patients.  It is the first event that we will be going to and it means so much more than a bingo game. It means we are coming to grips as a fam with a mama with cancer....ahh, deep breaths. God is good!
  • I will be posting messages via FB during the week as Help Wanted ads.  There are smalls that we need as a family and I will have the grace to ask for the help.  Thanks to all of you that have helped with the smalls, pray for our fam, and encourage us.  God is good !

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