Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Photograph By

This morning I was thinking what the two words "photograph by" meant.  Naturally, one thinks of a photographer and their artistic work.  But I was challenged to think of "photograph by" in terms of  everything that encompasses our days.  I took the words photograph and used them in terms of God being the grand photographer of my world.  He gifted me with a creative streak that causes me to see the smalls in the big picture and the care provider that takes care of the smalls in my life.

I know that I've become frustrated and ill prepared most days because instead of focusing on the big picture I'm wrapped up in the small details.  An example of the small details for me right now : Saturday night I took a shower and had clumps of my hair come out.  I fell to pieces and had a good old cry that caused my whole family to stop what they were doing and check on me.  Ted , my hubby, went through my scalp and said it wasn't that bad as compared to him. ( For those of you that don't know Ted he shaves his head because of balding on the top),  Emily said that we see bald women every week now and that I needed to be thankful for the hair that is on my head and forget the clumps that are gone. She also said that she has enough hair for both of us.  And, Dale, my son?  Yeah, heard his mama sobbing and stopped playing his video game to come and console me.  He told me ; "Mom, why are you crying about it?  You love hats.  This is your time to rock a hat! " and in a whisper  between only us , "And, if it gets too bad you can get a wig and rock that too". 

God is challenging me today to see him as "photography by" your Heavenly Father.  He is challenging me to not focus on the small details but to see the greater whole picture.  I feel Him overwhelming saying to me :

1. You self profess to be a city girl that loves the Lord and lives in a small town.  You need to cherish this time to run to KC twice a week, to forget you are a wife, mom, and to focus on you alone.  That thought scares me & I feel very small in the big city.

2. I gave you a daughter that rides twice a week by your side to KC. Take time and enjoy that ride with her.  See how I love & care for you through her and the rest of your family's actions.

3. Allow your kids to show you how to see the "big picture".  They see it daily, they find solace in it, and see their purpose.  Take note of of it, take time to absorb everything on a greater scale, and find what I've got to offer you.

4. Thank me for allowing you to have family & friends that are picking up the pace to run your race for you.  I'm showing you that I've got you through them.

At the end of my infusion this afternoon I could see the big picture and thank God for it.  I thank Him for the ability to challenge me through the cancer experience to see something grander and larger than myself.  To praise Him not only for the small but for the very thought of being here.  To stop deluding my day with all the small stuff and let it go....to experience the joy of the big stuff like seeing your family & friends show His love to you daily. 

I've said that life is not about me or you.  It is about serving the Lord, being faithful, and being open to the experience known as life.  Are you ready for the adventure?  Can allow  Him to mold you far past any possibility that you could see?  I'm not there yet but my eyes are wide open as of today to the larger picture that He has for me. 

Challenge:  My challenge for this week is to not see things in terms of the smalls but to allow myself to speak life into my spirit, heart, and mind through praising God for the "big picture".  God doesn't create a small snapshot and go on.  He is creating a panoramic view filled with family, friends, and promise.

Peace be with you- Sherry

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