Thursday, December 4, 2014

Faith Enough For Both Of Us

 Faith Enough For Both of Us

I wanted to let you all know that I'm overwhelmed with the number of friends that have stopped by, called, or emailed this week already.  A number of my "ask" items have been handled. I've got to share with you about Tuesday because it makes my soul sing God's praises. I went to Dr. Angell's office to get a prescription for pain meds and she had forgot to write it.  I had driven into Lee's Summit after picking Dale up from school.  They told me that I could pick it up at the office the next day anytime after 10:30.   I got so discouraged in the car ride home that I cried and started to gripe with Dale riding beside me.  I said out loud , "I've just had it.  I'm just going to call in the morning and cancel the stupid consult.  I can't afford to do it and I'm done".  Dale looked at me and said, "Stop it! You are going to that appointment next week and you are not going to cancel it!  I don't know how we are going to pay for it but God does".  Then early that next morning when I got up from cramping so bad to work on an financial appeal for Emily's spring tuition.  I figured it would be better than laying in bed in pain to actually be doing something.  A friend was up too and got a hold of me on Facebook.  She asked if I would let her take me to the consult and pay the co-pay.  Oh, my goodness, all my fears and discouragement melted.  My 14 year old son was right.....God knows how it is all going to happen. 

Last night Ted and I talked about making the finances work.  It seems impossible at this point to make it all work....if you look on it in paper there is no way.  And, to boot I was cramping badly even with my newbie pain med.  I must have looked exasperated and defeated. Ted said, "Sherry, I've got faith that God is going allow me to make enough to pay off Emily's tuition next Friday. We won't have money for anything else but it will be paid for her. And, I don't know how we are going to make it work.  But if you don't have the faith I've got enough for both of us".....wowsies, that is a turning point in our marriage.  Ted being the leader!  He's always the soft spoken hubby that goes along with my crazy ideas and allows me to lead most of the family stuff, finances, etc.  But he was firm with what he said and meant it which threw me for a loop.  And, then I thought of what my mom said a long time ago, "When Ted is definite about something being right or wrong listen to him, Sherry.  He lets a lot pass by but when he feels it and says something listen".  Ok, God, mom, Ted, Dale, and the rest of you, I hear it.  Have faith.  God will not forsake you or condemn you.  He is steadfast and serves to love and guide your path.   Now have some faith. 

Then I looked through my top 10 list and saw what He is doing in my life.  Maybe through learning how to "ask" I'm also learning to have faith in God and others around me. Here's what has been done:

*I've got friends from church that are going with me next week to my surgery consult and to a mammogram.  God is good!

*We had a precious family offer to bring up my box of ornaments and greenery and even decorate the mantel and outside door for me.  God is good!

*I got some paper plates last night from a kindred soul.  Thanks for allowing me to feel more confident to be a mom & wife through those plates.  God is good!

*The Snider dogs have their 50 pound bag of food....and they are so thankful to the gal that brought it over and took Dale to youth last night too.  God is good!

*We've got dinner for all the Fridays handled....thanks to a newbie friend, a college chum, and my church lady pal.  God is ahhh-mazingly good!

I've been called, inboxed, and e-mailed and asked what can people do right now.  This is what remains from my initial list:

1. Friday Dinners- they are all covered.  But I was asked by a friend to make a top 5 grocery list.  She would go and buy 5 items under $40.  I thought what a remarkable idea.  That being said contact me if you want to do a 5 item & under $40 grocery shopping for me. 

2. If you want to send your Starbucks drink money or do your fast food lunch money feel free to take it to Bank Midwest in Lee's Summit and deposit it in Emily Snider's account.  Or you can Paypal it to 

3. Need an "elf" to help sew or create a Christmas gift.  Ask this gal.  I was blessed last night that a friend stopped over and while we gabbed I was able to make some of her Christmas gifts.  I loved how gabbing and being creative took my mind off the cramping I had.  God is gracious and lets that happen.  So, feel free to ask me about projects.

Finally, I'm feeling like I can "ask" some more at this point. I know that the path with my health won't be easy.  And, to pay Em's tuition is not going to be easy either but I feel like God is gracing our way through a "circle" of friends that work through Him to help us.  So, I'm going to be bold and "ask" that you pray that we can make it through this month.  And, I'm going to ask you to help me with Christmas for my kids.  I know they are older and that they would rather see tuition be paid and their mom have surgery than a gift but I'm going to "ask" you to help me be their mom and make something small happen for them.

1.  I buy a new pillow for each of my kids from Kohl's each Christmas.  I need two pillows and they can be from any store. 

2. We are our family : Ted, Sherry, Emily, and Dale.  And so, the holidays are always hard on us because we don't have extended family to celebrate with. When the kids were younger Ted went back to college and we didn't much money.  We learned the importance of just having one another.  And, instead of a traditional Christmas dinner we had pizza and snacks.  Last year we asked the kids about their best Christmas and they talked about the one with pizza. So, we took the kids to the movies and had pizza and snacks at the house last year.   I would love to do that this year.  So, I need four movie tickets, a couple of frozen pizzas, and some snacks.

3. If you would like to do something else for the kiddos here they are: We had plans of getting Em a smallish printer to take back with her so she wouldn't have to go to the Commuter's Lounge to print her papers. She rides Amtrak and would have to take it on the train with her so it would need to be small and be able to be carried easily. If it would just print in black ink that would be fine. And, I wanted to get Dale some new shoes from Famous Footwear.  But if those two things don't happen it is no sweat.  If you can nab pillows, movie tickets, frozen pizzas, or snacks that would make my heart sing.

4. My birthday is December 16 and I'll turn 45.  Friends that have known me for a while know how I love Snickers and Coke.  Right now both bring me nausea and I get sick from them.  But for my birthday I would love  : a Confetti Angel Food Cake.  Yeah, I know that an angel food cake is time consuming and can turn out flat.  But as a kid growing up my mom made one each year for me because it was my favorite.  I would love that for my birthday and haven't had one in years.  If you have the skills to make one that would be ahh-mazing. 

5.  If you are making Christmas cookies would you consider bringing a plate with some to the house?  I would adore that my family could munch on them & me too.

 There's my revised "ask" list.  Take care one and all and know we are going to be all right we've got faith in that.  We don't know how it will all work but it will according to God's plan and in His timing. And, if I question that faith or get into despair I know that Ted will have "faith enough for both of us" and that I'm blessed to have him, Dale, Emily, and a large "circle" of friends to remind me of that.

Thanks to each of you for teaching me to "ask" and walk in faith that people will listen.

Blessings- Sherry

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